6 Tips To Manage Your Money Right

money management

Are you confident in managing your money, or do you face difficulty planning how to spend and save your income? If it’s the latter, you’re certainly not alone! In fact, according to a US survey, 58% of people feel that finances control their lives, from paying bills on time to building up savings. Luckily, it’s […]

3 Things You Buy That Actually Make You Richer

making you richer - smartcrowd

Ever wondered why the rich keep getting richer? Well, affluent people develop habits that allow them to build wealth and spend their money differently than most people. They understand the money game, and, more importantly, know how to make money work for them. So, while the average joe might treat himself to a luxury item […]

5 Tips To Overcome Your Emotional Spending

emotional investing - smartcrowd

We all have our bad days, right? You know, those days where you feel quite down, so you have an entire 16-inch pizza to yourself, or those days where you’re convinced that a little, or not-so-little, retail therapy will fix everything. Then again, we also have our good days, where you celebrate a certain milestone, […]